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Ryan’s Journey to Independence Through Self-Determination

Note – Ryan Klotz is an enrolled participant with SequoiaSD’s sister company, Personal Accounting Services (PAS), out of Taylor, Michigan. PAS and SequoiaSD operate under the AssuranceSD family of companies.

Ryan Klotz is a self-advocate for Individuals with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities (I/DD) in Wayne. Ryan is very active in his communities. He serves as a Community Transitions Trainer for the Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University. He advocates frequently for I/DD in Lansing with state legislators. He has been enrolled in self-direction services with PAS for over 20 years and sat down with PAS to share his journey in self-direction. Ryan shares how self-direction opened him up to new experiences and responsibilities as an adult.

Discovering Self-Direction Services

In 2003, Ryan’s mother learned about self-directed services. Ryan and his mom learned people with disabilities can choose their own supports through self-direction. Working with PAS, Ryan was able to move out on his own and live in his own space. Living on his own supported his desire for independence and improved his relationship with his mother. Additionally, Ryan learned how to be more responsible with his finances with the support of PAS and his support coordinators.

Partnering with PAS

PAS has been Ryan’s financial management services provider for over 20 years. Throughout the years, Ryan shared how grateful he is for the support he’s received from PAS during his self-direction journey. Team members like Patti Sieloff, Karen Dillon, a Ronda Kowalski have stood out during his time with PAS.

Becoming an Advocate

In 2005, Ryan joined Community Living Services’ Family Services Team. He shared in the creation of a ridesharing system across Wayne, Oakland, and the surrounding counties in southeast Michigan. He states that, ” We were Uber before Uber was Uber.” He remains an advocate for improved transit services in southeast Michigan.

The Impact of Self-Direction

Self-directed services have widened Ryan’s horizons. For over 20 years, he has enjoyed the freedom to make his own decisions. He has learned to let people into his life, those who create a positive atmosphere. Ryan has been advocating for disability rights for 20 years now. He has several visits planned this year to speak with state legislators in Lansing and plans to attend Disability Advocacy Day.

For those Considering Self-Direction

Ryan wants others to know that:

  • Self-Direction requires patience, and nothing happens overnight.
  • Self-Direction helped him realize the importance of making his own responsible decisions.
  • Self-direction offers the freedom to live how you want.
  • Self-Direction supports you in making your own rules.

Ryan’s journey shows the power of self-directed services. With the right support, individuals with disabilities can live the life of their choosing. If you are inspired by Ryan’s journey and wish to share your own experience, please visit our “Share Your Story” page.

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