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Group Of Smiling Senior Friends Walking Arm In Arm Along Shoreline Of Winter Beach

SequoiaSD Celebrates Older Americans Month in May

May is right around the corner and SequoiaSD is looking forward to celebrating Older Americans Month (OAM). OAM is organized each year by the Administration for Community Living (ACL). During the month, the ACL shares ways to celebrate the month by connecting with older adults in your community. Suggestions include game nights, fundraisers, or planting a community garden.

The theme for OAM 2024 is Powered by Connection. This year’s theme aims to create social connections and strong relationships to improve our health. It also explores the connection between independence and aging against isolation and loneliness. To further promote this them, the ACL encourages you to:

  • Share information about the benefits of social connection on mental, physical, and emotional health.
  • Promote events and resources where older adults can connect with others.
  • Encourage others to make a meaning social connection with an older adult.
  • Promote OAM by using the hashtag: #PoweredByConnection

This May will be the 61st Older Americans Month celebration. It was first recognized in 1963 by President John. F Kennedy. The 60th anniversary release from the White House can be read here.

For more information on how to celebrate OAM, visit ACL’s website. There, you can find digital material and activity ideas to help celebrate.

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